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Tour of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Golden Gate Bridge

View the sights of San Francisco aboard a new open-top double decker bus & Cruise by San Francisco Bay to the Golden Gate Bridge and witness the achetectural wonders. The bus tour covers all the major sights of San Francisco while the Golden Gate Bridge tour delves deep into the history and features of the bridge.

The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the opening of the San Francisco Bay into the Pacific Ocean.

Tour of the Prizon Alcatraz.

Get tickets to Alcatraz Island and cruise on the San Francisco Bay. Tour Alcatraz, the infamous and notorious former federal prison and some of it's most famous inhabitants, the likes of Al Capone, George "Machine Gun" Kelley, and Robert "The Birdman" Stroud.

Photo of the Alcatraz

Hobart Building Tour

hobart Building

The Hobart Building is an office high rise located at 582�592 Market Street and Montgomery Street in the financial district of San Francisco. It was completed in 1914 after only eleven months, which led to accusations that it had been constructed with a degree of recklessness, and was at the time the second tallest building in the city, with 21 floors, and 87 m (285 ft).

Said to be the favorite commercial building of its designer, Willis Polk, its sculpted terra cotta exterior with Baroque ornamentation, and handcrafted brass and Italian marble interior are a noted example of neoclassicist architecture. Its unusual shape was dictated by the site, which was an asymmetric polygon, and since a neighboring structure was torn down, exposing one flank, it is now even more idiosyncratic and striking

(c) 2012 National Association of Construction Workers